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Accommodation - Booking Terms and Conditions


Your contract is with the Owner (“we”, “us” and “our” in these Booking Conditions) of the property @ Cala Gran (“the Property”).  References to “you” or “your” are references to the person making the booking and all members of the holiday party.  These Booking Conditions form the basis of your contract with us so please read them carefully.  Nothing in these Booking Conditions affects your normal statutory rights.

PLEASE NOTE that we have no connection with Haven and/or Bourne Leisure


Your booking

When you book the Property with us you will receive a Booking Confirmation following your payment for the Initial Deposit (non refundable).  By paying the Initial Deposit to reserve the accommodation for the dates of your holiday you acknowledge that this is deposit is non refundable should you cancel for ANY reason including and not limited to death, serious illness or accident.


Your booking is made as a consumer for the purpose of a holiday and you acknowledge that no liability can be accepted for any business losses howsoever suffered or incurred by you. The booking is made on an accommodation only basis and park facilities form no part of this.


Once the Initial Deposit and the Booking Form has been completed and sent to you this will form the contract between us and is subject to these terms and conditions.  We reserve the right to refuse any booking.  If we do this we will promptly refund any money you have paid to us.


You should carefully check the details of your written contract and inform us immediately of any errors or omissions. By accepting the Booking Confirmaton you are confirming your agreement to all terms detailed within these Terms & Conditions which will be referred to in the event of a dispute between the parties.


Paying for your booking

You are required to send to us your payment for the balance of the Rental and the Security Bond by the date stated in the written confirmation email.  If you fail to make the payment due to us in full and on time we may treat your booking as cancelled by you.


We will hold the Security Bond to be applied against the reasonable cleaning and/or replacement of the property, furnishings, fixtures and fittings.  We will return the Security Bond to you within 48 hours of check out & on receipt of a satisfactory inspection report from the relevant cleaning company, less any deductions in accordance with the conditions listed (please refer to the Terms & Conditions of Hire)



If you, the Guest, cancel or amend your booking – please read these carefully


  • If you need to cancel or amend your booking you must confirm your cancellation/amendment in writing by email to the following email address   A cancellation will not take effect until we receive written confirmation from you.

  • If you cancel your booking within 48 hours of the date of the written confirmation, we will refund the balance of any money you have paid us.

  • If you cancel your booking more than six weeks prior to the Arrival Date for any reason including and not limited to death, serious illness or accident, we will retain the Initial Deposit (non refundable) and refund the balance of any money you have paid to us. 

  • If you cancel your booking less than six weeks prior to the Arrival Date, for any reason including and not limited to death, serious illness or accident, we reserve the right to retain the Initial Deposit and the Rental you have paid to us.  In these circumstances we will only refund the Rental (less any additional costs incurred) to you if we are able to secure an alternative booking for the Property.


You should purchase holiday insurance to cover for any losses YOU may incur due to cancellation. 


If we, the Owner, cancel or amend your booking

We would not expect to have to make any changes to your booking, but sometimes problems occur and we do have to make alterations or, very occasionally cancel bookings. 


If this does happen, we will contact you as soon as is reasonably practical and inform you of the cancellation or the change to your booking and, if it is necessary to cancel your booking, we will refund the balance of any money you have paid us.


We will only cancel your booking if the Holiday Home named within the booking form is unavailable.  The Haven park facilities do not form any part of your booking with this private owner.


COVID-19 Cancellations

Should you, the guest, cancel your booking due to concerns re COVID-19 your booking will be treated as cancelled by you and fall under the terms as stated above. No refund will be given.

Should the caravan owner cancel your stay due to the closure of the park in a Lockdown then you will be offered a change of date to the same value of your booking or a full refund.


Your accommodation

The basis of this contract is for the rental of the named holiday home on your booking confirmation only.  The rental amount does not include the use of the park facilities at Cala Gran.  To enable you to use the park facilities you will need to purchase Funworks Passes direct from Haven.


You can arrive at your accommodation after 4.00 PM on the Arrival Date of your holiday and you must leave by 10.00 AM on the Departure Date. Should the accommodation be available for an earlier check in time than stated you will be advised on the day of check in.



Your obligations

You agree to comply with the Regulations and any other regulations reasonably made from time to time and ensure that they are observed by all members of your party.


You agree to keep and leave the Property and the furnishings, kitchen equipment, crockery, glasses, bedding clean and in good condition.  All rubbish must be removed from the caravan at the end of your stay and placed in the refuse areas provided on park.


You agree not to cause any damage to the walls, doors or windows of the Property nor to do anything that may be reasonably considered to cause a nuisance or annoyance to us or to any other occupier of adjoining or neighbouring properties.


You agree to take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal property. No liability to you is accepted in respect of damage to or loss of such property, except where the damage or loss is caused by our negligence. Should you leave anything behind after your stay we will endeavour to return this to you upon receipt of payment of the expenses of doing so.


You cannot allow more people to stay in the Property than expressly authorised, nor can you significantly change the makeup of the party during your stay in the Property, nor can you take your pet into the Property unless it has been arranged in advance and it is shown on your confirmation. If you do so, we can refuse to hand over the Property to you, or can require you to leave it. We will treat any of these circumstances as a cancellation of the booking by you.


You agree to allow us or any representative of ours access at any reasonable time during your stay for the purpose of essential repairs.


Things beyond our control

Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability if we cancel or change your booking in any way because of events beyond our control.  Neither can we accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage you suffer because of events beyond our control.  Some of the things we mean by 'events beyond our control' are fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, epidemics or pandemics, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, and unavoidable technical problems with transport.

In the event of the above, your booking will only be refunded if the park, Cala Gran, is closed in its entirety in the interests of health and safety.  Should park facilities be closed but your accommodation is still available no refunds will be made as park facilities form no part of your booking with us.

We, again, recommend taking out appropriate insurance.



Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable and memorable holiday. If however, you have any cause for complaint it is important that remedial action is taken as soon as possible.


It is essential that you contact us if any problem arises so that it can be speedily resolved. It is often extremely difficult (and sometimes impossible) to resolve difficulties properly unless we are promptly notified. Discussion of any criticisms with us whilst you are in residence will usually enable shortcomings to be rectified straightaway. In particular, complaints of a transient nature (for example, regarding preparation or heating of the Property) cannot possibly be investigated unless registered whilst you are in residence.


Any complaints and/or comments regarding your accommodation received after your holiday will not be considered as true, as resolving such complaints after your stay is beyond our control.  This includes any complaints that may be made by you should there be a dispute in relation to the retention of the bond.



Retention of Bond

In the event that all or part of the security bond should need to be retained due to a failure on your part to adhere to the Terms & Conditions of Hire we will advise you of this as soon possible after you have checked out of the property.  If practical, photo evidence will be provided to you in support of any monies retained.


Any threats, whether they be verbal, written or physical, made towards ourselves, our property or our representative will be dealt with by the police and the details contained within thie written booking contract will be provided to them.


Please note that these Terms & Conditions may be updated and/or altered subject to changes deemed necessary.

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